Tarzana Real Estate

Tarzana Map

The Tarzana neighborhood boundary lines are shown in the Tarzana map below. As with all City of Los Angeles neighborhoods, the neighborhood boundary lines for Tarzana are fluid although these particular boundary lines have been in existence without modification since at least 2003. Tarzana encompasses the entire 91356 zip code and a portion of the 91335 zip code. The 91335 zip code actually straddles both Tarzana and Reseda. This Tarzana map is a valuable tool to determine definitively whether a home with a 91335 zip code address is actually located in the Tarzana neighborhood or Reseda neighborhood. The often repeated maxim in real estate "location, location, location" holds true for San Fernando Valley neighborhoods. Tarzana is a more desirable neighbohood than Reseda and this is reflected in higher property values.

About Tarzana

Tarzana is a fairly affluent neighborhood in the western part of the San Fernando Valley.

Tarzana Housing Market Trends

The Tarzana housing market rebounded strongly in 2013 with the average price per square foot (excluding short sales) reaching $341.62 in the 3rd quarter.

Tarzana Homes Average Price Per Square Foot
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Median Sale Price of Tarzana Homes
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Tarzana Homes

The competition to buy Tarzana homes is fierce. As many buyers who are in the market to purchase a home can attest, Tarzana homes are highly sought after and practically all reasonably desirable Tarzana homes that are priced at market sell very quickly. Tarzana homes tend to have larger lots than their Encino counterparts but the price per square foot of Tarzana homes is less than Encino homes. With Tarzana homes, you will get more value for you money. Unlike Encino homes, Tarzana real estate offers several luxury gated communities south of Ventura Boulevard.

Tarzana Schools

Tarzana offers great public and private elementary school and pre-school options and its middle school, Gaspar De Portola, is highly regarded.